
Dear Jim ( a letter in progress)

First I present (with many thnx to Dr Michael Swords, who presented this text as a reminder, at his awesome blog http://thebiggeststudy.blogspot.com/

Vallee and Hynek, as recounted by Swords:

Maybe I'm just a curmudgeon on these [few] cases, but they have the feeling of something paranormal tripped off by the UFO encounter, but not deliberately caused by it. That is, the UFO is itself; the paranormal event is something entirely different sitting there waiting for circumstances to enable it. If UFOs were DELIBERATELY creating paranormal or pseudo-paranormal manifestations, I'd think that my files would have a whole pile of them.
I think that Jacques felt differently. I believe that, at least at this point in his career he was wide open to the possibilities that UFO manifestations were not only largely paranormal, in some senses of that word, but actively stimulating the paranormal in observers. The following is not precisely in that line, but it illustrates Jacques' willingness to incorporate beliefs in Spiritual and psychic entities into his thinking at the time.

From the book:
Hastings was speaking of the beginnings of electrical research and the topic slid over to Mesmerism [which was originally very closely allied].

Hastings: "They didn't even call mesmerizing magic, and that was far weirder".

Vallee: "Mesmerizing has been called magic. There were several books written against Mesmer, saying his experiments were all works of the Devil."

Hastings: "Well, I don't know; it's reproducible on demand".

Vallee: "So is The Devil!".

At that point, a probably very uncomfortable Allen Hynek steered the conversation back to UFOs. The point of bringing this up is that Jacques, and presumably many others, would be willing to employ quite active psychic and spiritual entities within the encounters of UFOlogy as causal agents of immediate or subsequent "psychic" events. My problem with this is not Ontological, as a Catholic I'm "all in" on the existence of demonic or daemonic or little people or tricksters potentially meddling in all sorts of things. BUT, it would make me feel a lot more comfortable with the hypothesis if I could find some significant pile of strong cases in which UFOs and such meddling-trickster activity seemed closely related

And here, uncle Jim, it is where this draft must rest.......